Preferred Route Map
In an attempt to improve traffic flow and to keep things safe for both visitors and our residents, we ask that you obey any “No Parking” signs that may be posted throughout the neighborhood and follow the below “Preferred Route Map” which will take you past all of the decorated homes throughout the neighborhood. Please be considerate of our neighborhood residents who make this event possible and allow them in and out of their driveways.
We welcome you to consider walking the neighborhood! There are so many details you will find by walking verse driving. If you choose to walk the neighborhood please stay on the sidewalks, do not walk on the grass or in the street, and we ask that you park away from the development entrances, on the opposite side of the street from the fire hydrants (coming from Walden Ave. please park on the left side of the street, coming from Pleasant View Dr. please park on the right side of the street). Please do not leave any trash behind.
Thank you!